New towing tank at Hochschule Emden/Leer

The new maritime laboratory at Hochschule Emden/Leer is built around a new towing tank by Edinburgh Designs.

The tank is 33m long and 3m wide and features 8×0.7m hinge depth force feedback flaps in a movable box module.

The Towing machine is capable of 5m/s and high acceleration rates.

The new laboratory is design to falilitate the validation of their state of the art CFD research.

Have a virtual tour of their new laboratory by clicking here.

Single piston machine at USNA Annapolis

A new single piston machine has been commissioned at the highly prestigious United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.

USNA annapolis single DP500 piston

The machine was tested fully in Edinburgh Designs laboratory before shipment and was installed by USNA staff in their coastal flume.

Mini Flap Paddle for the NTNU Karmsund Flume

Back in the 1980’s, Edunburgh Universities Professor Stephen Salter installed a single flap wavemaker for Professor Johannes Falnes at NTNU. It fits that Edinburgh Designs would be the company to replace this machine almost 40 years later.
The new machine is a single dry back force feedback flap paddle with a set of 8 wave gauges.

Glass Sided Compact 3D Tank at Strathclyde University

Edinburgh Designs have installed a second machine at the Strathclyde University Kelvin Hydrodynamics Laboratory.

The brand new machine features 8 x 0.7m hinge depth force feedback absorbing flaps in a glass sided tank.

The tank reuses three beach segments from the UoE curved tank.

The machine has been custom designed to maximise tank area in the space available.

24 Flap Paddles in New 400m Towing Tank at SSSRI

Shanghai Ship and Shipping Research Institute (SSSRI) are making an incredible investment in new research facilities.
Shanghai SSSRI 400m Towing Tank
Edinburgh Designs have installed 24 flap paddles and a raisable beach section for their new towing tank.
The tank is 18m wide and 400m long and is due for completion in 2020 subject to Covid19 restrictions.

Full Electronic Upgrade at DGA, France

The 24 paddle machine was installed in 1998 and was the first multi paddle, large flap Edinburgh Designs machine.

Having worked well for over 20 years, the servo amplifiers and digital controllers are now obsolete, and spares are hard to come by.

The machine is now like new and can be seen in action in the following video:

After 20 years, it was a good time for a full electronic upgrade.
The mechanical side of the machine only required some minor renewal works.

Novel Piston & tank for Marin SLING Multiphase Laboratory

Edinburgh Designs have installed a highly unique piston wave tank in an autoclave at the Marin SLING Multiphase Laboratory.

The lab will be used to research the intricacies of the water-vapour boundary in sloshing waves.

The autoclave can vary the pressure (5 mbar to 10 bar), temperature (5°C to 200°C) and gas composition.

Due to the extreme environments, the tank and wavemaker are totally new for this prestigious project.

For more information see the MARIN Multiphase website.